Visit Form

Our current opening hours can be found here. Please check Facebook or Instagram for updates, and current draft and bottle lists.

Opening hours update

Greetings, we have updated our opening hours. We are now open every Tuesday from 5pm – 9pm, and every Saturday from 12pm – 4 pm. Any changes will be announced on Instagram and Facebook. Cheers!

Open by announcement only

While me may occasionally switch up days, we will mostly be open Saturdays for the foreseeable future. There will always be a post at the top of both our Facebook and Instagram feeds when we will be open. If there is no post, we are not open.

Lately we’ve been receiving a lot of confused messages about Facebook and Google reporting other opening hours. Without a lengthly explanation, all I can say is a combination of their algorithms, and user generated content is resulting in incorrect hours being listed on those sites. The only reliable listings of our opening times are Instagram and Facebook.

Asa always, if you have a specific question about opening times, you can always contact us by messaging on Facebook or Instagram, and we will respond as soon as we can. Prost!

Open only Thursdays for the time being

Until further notice, our only consistent opening day will be Thursday from 5:30-8pm. We cannot yet have patrons inside the brewery, but the courtyard will be available for seating. We will have cold bottles and draft pours in takeaway cups available. See you soon!

Check Facebook and Instagram for opening times

Hello all, we’ve been getting a lot of messages recently asking when/if we are open. The only consistent opening time is Saturday from 2-8pm. If you’d like to know when you can visit us during the week, please check Facebook or Instagram, all weekday opening dates will be announced on these platforms. If there’s not a post saying we are open, we are closed. We’re moving toward more consistency in the future, but for now, this is how it works. Hope to see you soon!

Extended hours

Hey all, as we figure out how to best run our openings, we have decided to expand the times in which we are open. Moving forward, we will set the basic hours to, weekday openings, 5-10pm, and Saturday openings, 2-8pm. Please keep an eye on Facebook and Instagram for announcements. See you!

Watch for weeknight openings

Hello all, thanks for making our Saturday openings an awesome time! In addition to continuing that schedule, we will also be announcing weeknight openings from 5-8pm, as often as time allows. These will be announced via Facebook and Instagram. Keep a look out, and we hope to see you soon!

Now open Saturdays 2-6pm

Our Saturday hours have been working out nicely thus far, so we thought we’d make it consistent versus by announcement. So from now, unless we post otherwise, these will be our hours for visiting and bottle sales. Taproom hours will be added soon as well. Cheers!

Opening this Saturday, July 22, 2-6pm

We will be open for to-go bottle sales at our space at 1700 N Palethorp St. again this Saturday, from 2-6pm. We will have the first two releases, Formhouse and Form to Table available. Formhouse is a 6.5% ABV tart farmhouse ale. It’s bone dry, effervescent, and mildly acidic, with notes of citrus, pear and white grape ($16, 750ml, 4 bottle allotment). Form to Table is a 3.5% hoppy table beer. It’s dry with a firm bitterness, and noble hop character. It tastes of autumn leaf funk, lemon and lychee, and has a nice quenching tartness ($10, 750ml, 4 bottle allotment). We accept cash only at this time. Hope to see you Saturday!

Opening Saturday July 1, 2-6pm

We will be inviting the public into our space at 1700 N Palethorp St. for the first time this coming Saturday, from 2-6pm. We are going to have more consistent hours in the future, but we’re doing this as a test run. We will have 2 beers both on draft and in bottle to drink in or take out. The first two releases are Formhouse and Form to Table. All of our beers are mixed fermentation and fermented with oak and our house cultures. All bottles are naturally conditioned. Formhouse is a 6.5% ABV tart farmhouse ale. It’s bone dry, effervescent, and mildly acidic, with notes of citrus, pear and white grape ($16, 750ml, 4 bottle allotment). Form to Table is a 3.5% hoppy table beer. It’s dry with a firm bitterness, and noble hop character. It tastes of autumn leaf funk, lemon and lychee, and has a nice quenching tartness ($10, 750ml, 6 bottle allotment). We are also working to have one special beer available in limited quantity on draft only. We accept cash only at this time. We’re excited to share these beers with you. Hope to see you Saturday!